Explanatory Data Analysis group


Our group is involved in teaching the following courses.

Information Theoretic Data Mining (24-25,23-24,22-23,21-22,19-20,18-19,17-18)
MSc, 6 EC
Part of
MSc Computer Science
Matthijs van Leeuwen, Francesco Bariatti
How can we gain insight from data? How can we discover and explain structure in data if we don't know what to expect? What is the optimal model for our data? How do we develop principled algorithms for exploratory data mining? To answer these questions, we study and discuss the state of the art in the relatively young research area of information theoretic data mining. We focus on theory, problems, and algorithms, not on implementation and experimentation.
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Statistics (24-25,23-24,22-23,21-22,20-21, 19-20,18-19,17-18,16-17)
BSc, 6 EC
Part of
BSc Data Science & Artificial Intelligence, BSc Computer Science, minor Data Science
Matthijs van Leeuwen, Marieke Vinkenoog
In this course, primarily aimed at Computer Science students, we cover the basics of statistics, the fundamental 'data science' that researches the description and analysis of data. The focus is on learning how to correctly apply statistical methods, not on their mathematical justification.
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Data Science (Honours Class; 24-25,23-24,22-23,18-19,17-18,16-17)
BSc, 5 EC
Part of
Honours Classes
Marieke Vinkenoog and guest lecturers
Data Science deals with handling, processing, analyzing, interpreting, and extracting knowledge from data, ultimately to derive optimal decisions. Today, it is of paramount importance in just about any domain, ranging from the life sciences, including e.g., health and biosciences, to banking, insurances, retail, and heavy industries. This Honours Class first introduces students to some of the fundamental concepts and then continues with overviews of specific application domains.

Methodology and Research Approach (16-17)
MSc Post Experience, 6 EC
Part of
ICT in Business
Matthijs van Leeuwen, Mirjam van Reisen
The aim of this course is for the student to get both conceptual insight into and practical experience with the different steps involved in conducting research. This includes, for example, the development of a research question, research design, data collection and analysis, drawing conclusions. Part of the course concerns a primer on statistics, including both descriptive and inferential statistics.

Applied Statistics (15-16)
BSc, 4 EC
Part of
Computer Science & Economy, minor Data Science
Matthijs van Leeuwen, Hendrik Blockeel
This was a reduced version of the current Statistics course.